Recovery from addiction is no easy process, and most of us can use all the help we can get. One of the best things about the times we are living in is the ability to access information via the internet. There is a plethora of information; from a wide variety of sources, yet it is the personal blogs and stories that other addicts share that can often be the most compelling.
Finding the resources that you can easily connect with and get inspired by is vital to long term recovery whether dealing with substance abuse, a gambling addiction, eating disorder or cyber addiction. At The River Rehab, we understand that the unequivocal truth about addiction is that it does not discriminate based on age, race, socio-economic status or gender. It is an equal opportunity disease that can disseminate both the addict and the people who love and care about them. Therefore, each year we scour the internet and pick the best recovery blogs that may be helpful to both families of addicts and those in recovery. Below is our list of the winners for the Top 10 Recovery Blogs for 2019.
Sober Courage

Sober Courage is a poignant blog from a recovering addict that is all about community building and inspiration. As an artist, a mother and a person in recovery, Magz Kunicki offers insight, shares personal stories and gives helpful information and resources for networking with others in the recovery community. You will discover her Recovery Toolkit as well as information on Relapse & Recovery as well as online support and links to other bloggers.
The Recovery Warriors

The Recovery Warriors is an easy to navigate and stylish site dedicated to bolstering the resilience of those struggling with depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. They offer a wealth of resources designed to help you find meaning in your struggles and deal with complex issues such as body image. Taking a holistic mind, body spirit approach they offer free online classes (school of recovery), have a popular podcast, and showcase blogs where contributors share insightful and empowering personal experiences. It’s a great “jumping-off” point to find up-to-date information and resources for anyone with an eating disorder.
Liv’s Recovery Kitchen

Liv’s Recovery Kitchen is dedicated to providing you with the information and resources you need to experience a vibrant and energized recovery. They regularly challenge stagnant and outdated perspectives on addiction and encourage you to explore the possibilities while empowering you to seek your own truth. Discover a variety of insightful articles, inspiring interviews, and some delightfully delicious and nutritious recipes to feed your body and support your recovery nutritionally from the inside out. Other resources include workshops, coaching services and a very popular podcast you can stream called “Breaking Free: Your Recovery, Your Way”.
Miracle of the Mundane

Miracle of the Mundane is the site of Mark Goodson; poet, father and recovering alcoholic. The blog is simple, inspired and focused on the daily musings of everyday life in sobriety as it pertains to parenthood, spirituality, acceptance, gratitude, humility and appreciating the inherent beauty of the seemingly mundane. Deeply personal; yet beautifully written, it is insightful and inspirational. The website also has a community page with access to podcasts and networking links.
Since Right Now and Klen + Sober

Since Right Now and Klen + Sober is an online resource, magazine and blog with resources for recovering addicts. They offer online streaming via SoundCloud, Stitcher & iTunes and have several very popular podcasts to choose from along with an online store to purchase merchandise. The articles have a hip, urban vibe while offering unique perspectives on recovery with insights, personal stories, and “addiction fiction”.
Mental Health Stories

Mental Health Stories started as a “What a Person with Mental Illness Looks Like” project to raise awareness as well as educate people on mental health. It has since blossomed into a forum where you can reach out and connect with a community of individuals who are in all stages of recovery and seeking treatment. You can network with other individuals struggling with everything from depression to OCD, anxiety and eating disorders. It’s a forum to find professionals who also suffer, share your story, find resources to online therapists and discover treatment options. The additionally offer podcasts and links to other bloggers and YouTube channels.
Growing Up Chaotic

This is a powerful resource for anyone who is a trauma and or abuse survivor with a history of addiction and/or self-harm. Inspiring, easy to navigate and chock full of resources, this blog will appeal to those who are seeking a community of like-minded individuals who are focused on meeting the challenges along the way. The Growing Up Chaotic platform will introduce you to engaging personal stories, podcasts, and blogs. Training courses and resources for both addicts and co-dependent loved ones are additionally available. The message is about thriving in the face of everyday obstacles and empowering addicts to live their best life with the help of a supportive online community.
Stigma Fighters

Stigma Fighters is a mental health non-profit organization dedicated to helping real people living with mental illness. It is a community hub of individuals committed to breaking down the barriers and stigma associated with substance use and/or mental health disorders and shed light on the people who seem to be “regular” or “normal” people but are actually hiding a secret. This specifically includes teachers, doctors, lawyers, psychologists, actors and writers who are living with an invisible illness and struggling to function in society. They differentiate themselves by showcasing contributors from all walks of life as well as offering resources such as books and links to hotlines, counseling services, and other online support groups and networks.
Miracles Are Brewing

Miracles Are Brewing is a polished, and professional-looking website dedicated to living an alcohol-free lifestyle and inspiring others to live more intentionally. It’s easy to use and chock full of helpful information including the personal stories of founder Carly Benson who has 11+ years of recovery under her belt from alcohol and cocaine. Carly is a certified Holistic Recovery Coach, Motivational Speaker, Yoga Instructor & Writer. While she does not blog as often as some, her content is evergreen, relevant and very inspirational. She offers an online sobriety coaching via her Alcohol-Free Accelerator™ program along with a free eBook, and yoga classes on her website which gives you the ability to interact personally with Carly.
The Sober Journey

The Sober Journey is another very personalized website chronicling the road to recovery for Dirk Foster who struggled with alcoholism as well as depression, anxiety, and insomnia before he got sober in 2007. This is a good resource for addicts, newcomers, and anyone looking to explore their spiritual path in recovery. They offer help for anyone who is looking for information about addiction, prayer, meditation and the search for a Higher Power without being religious. Dirk also has a link to his book which he sells, as well as a very helpful blog that he regularly updates along with a newsletter, book recommendations, videos and a forum to ask questions and share sobriety stories.